Our Carbon Neutral Initiatives.

At INSIGHT, we not only champion love and care for oneself through our haircare and skincare products but love and care for the planet.
Each of us is responsible for a carbon footprint. This pertains to the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions living organisms release into the air. As a business, our carbon footprint is synonymous with our actions, which is why INSIGHT is committed to utilizing 100 percent renewable energy to achieve a goal of carbon neutrality. In other words, we are taking the necessary steps to cut down our carbon dioxide emissions, and therefore our carbon footprint, as much as we possibly can.
Recently, our Italy-based manufacturing company, Eley, obtained an ISO 14064 Certification, making them, and therefore INSIGHT, a Carbon Neutral Company. Composed of a series of standards aimed at assessing, managing, and certification of GHG emissions by organizations, this certification allows us to keep our carbon footprint under control and take on projects to reduce or eliminate our greenhouse gas emissions altogether.
Eley has already set into motion two major projects to further offset carbon emissions: The Palm oil Biomass Project and the Waste Heap Project.
Aimed at creating a greener India through innovative and sustainable products, the Palmoil Biomass Project collaborates with one of the leading Indian agri-businesses when it comes to the sustainable production of palm oil. The initiative began with the financing of a cogeneration unit that utilizes palm plant waste as a fuel source for the production of palm oil and all the steam and electricity needed for the facility.
In addition to reducing the need for imported energy, the process reduces overall carbon emissions while conserving local resources, reducing pressure on the environment, and ensuring better health for the population. The plant also provides local workers with jobs and health benefits that strengthen the community’s economy.
To continue the goal of confronting the disastrous effects of climate change, Eley is also funding a special Ukraine project known as the Waste Heap Project. Located in Donbass, the landfill is home to harmful coal-rock deposits, the fire phenomenon from which can have a severe impact on the area’s ecosystem, local communities’ health, and the atmosphere at large. Therefore, Eley is sponsoring the reclamation of this landfill so that the soil deposits can be cleaned and, in turn, aid in eliminating the long-term release of greenhouse gasses from coal residue.
We believe that it is of the utmost importance to use our resources to foster a positive climate impact worldwide. No one person, or one organization, can achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for the entire planet. Still, if we all do our part in reducing our carbon footprint and taking the necessary initiatives to become carbon neutral, we can meet our goals of making the world a better place.